Monday, September 30, 2019

Close Up Brand Analysis

BA 170 Midterm Paper Never settle for second best. And yet, since its inception in the Philippine market, second place has been Close Up’s niche. Though the brand has indeed been successful in differentiating its use and targets from the irreplaceable number one, the dream to finally land the gold continues to linger. Overview of the Brand Close Up was launched by Unilever in 1967 as the first gel toothpaste in the world. The product’s unique structure made it easy to market it as a new and diverse product, all other brands having manufactured the same opaque white consistency toothpaste normally has.Furthermore, the brand made sure to put the blue ocean strategy to their advantage. While competitors were going the more medical approach, Close Up branded itself as the more relatable brand to the youth. Currently, Close Up has eight variants out in the market. All their lines are made to function as the ‘fresh breath maker’, promising consumers long-lasting fresh breath. The variants mostly just differ in flavor apart from the Close Up Milk Calcium, which adds the teeth strengthening function to their product. Company Vision Close Up envisions itself as the number one toothpaste brand for the youth.Their goal is to get young adults to feel how much the brand can help them achieve fresh breath, which, in turn, can boost their confidence to face their everyday challenges. Close Up’s goal is to be the youth’s first choice when it comes to toothpaste brands. The Close Up Mission In line with the company vision is their mission to give the youth that confidence to make ‘the moment’ happen. Much of Close Up’s brand identity revolves around the concept of ‘the moment’, which they define as that special instant of interaction between two or more individuals.It may be as simple as asking someone to be their date to the high school prom or as big as saying I love you to their special someone for the first time. Close Up makes sure to be the factor that pushes the consumer’s insecurities aside in order for them to be confident enough to pursue that perfect moment. Target Market The brand associates itself with Filipinos aged 18-24 who are both sociable and optimistic. These young adults need that confidence to get up close and personal with others and believe that white teeth and fresh breath are important for social confidence and intimacy.Market Analysis The Toothpaste Market Based on Datamonitor, the toothpaste market in the Philippines has increased at a compound annual growth rate of 3. 3% between 2004 and 2009, with Colgate leading the pack with a share of 51. 7%. But after two decades of continuous growth, the toothpaste industry saw a decline in market usage causing most companies to cut prices. Currently, Close Up stands as the industry’s number two with a market share of approximately 20%. What are the factors that affect toothpaste choice in the market? A journal published by Ben Paul Gutierrez shows that there are thirteen attributes consumers look for when selecting their toothpaste. These include variables such as the ability to clean teeth properly, ability to give smooth and white teeth, ability to prevent cavities and the approval of dentists. (insert table of complete list here). Furthermore, the research shows the characteristics of the decision maker (ultimately, the one who chooses and purchases the product) and connects them to two behaviors, namely switching and involvement.Switching refers to the consumer’s brand loyalty whereas involvement refers to the buying behavior. (show table of high involvement/low involvement) Close Up and Colgate are both able to achieve high switching and brand involvement, which are expected of brand which have high market shares. Close Up’s Position In terms of age, Close Up has been consistent in marketing itself to the young adults. Map A shows the relationship between pric e and age and proves that Close Up is unique in its choice of age segment. This is particularly evident in their advertising, which will be discussed further in this text. insert perceptual map a) Looking at functional benefit (Map B), however, we see that Close Up lags behind Colgate, who has, over the years, developed more and more products to address different oral needs. This is also because Close Up has continuously focused on producing toothpaste with the same functional benefits, a few outliers aside. Though this is good for brand reinforcement, meaning that consumers quickly associate the same need to the brand, this may be a factor as to why the brand has stayed a challenger. insert perceptual map b) On the other hand, Map C illustrates the relationship of price and size. Here, Close Up is generally positioned in between two markets, with Colgate at Sensodyne being the higher priced brand (MORE ANALYSIS HERE) Lastly, Map D shows the relationship between price and functional benefits, which may also be interpreted as the consumer’s value for money. (insert perceptual map c) (insert more analysis) generally -toothpaste market, positioning, pricing, market behavior, segmentation breakthrough Consumer Insight -target market, trends, insight Current strategies Recommendations

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Expressing Teen Identity by Using Slang: Attitudes and Opinions Towards the Slang of Teenagers

Expressing teen identity by using slang:attitudes and opinions towards the slang of teenagers Introduction One of the most significant elements which people notice while meeting with someone is the person’s language. As Trudge (2000:2) points out, the manner in which we use our language has a great importance while â€Å"establishing social relationship and while conveying information about the speaker†. Ethnic background, gender, education, social class, age and many other aspects may influence the way we talk.And the way we talk may influence other people’s perception about us. Language in the society also differs in the formality levels. When talking about any specific kind of a language we use the term language variety. The variety of the language which is used in a particular situation is called style. Styles are mainly characterized by the vocabulary differences, but also by syntactic ones. Styles range on the scale from very formal to extremely informal. V ocabulary which is at the extremely informal end of the continuum is known as slang. 1] Some people might think that slang is only a young people issue. However the truth is that all of us use some kind of slang, and this usage is influenced by many factors. It is obvious that slang creates barriers between people or groups of people. So if you do not want someone, who is not a member of your group, understand what are you saying, you may use a particular slang, which is inherent only for your group. Using slang may also be part of a person’s identity.Therefore the main task handled in this paper is to examine the use of slang among teenagers and the sources they are influenced by. This essay presents a view on teenage slang as a means of expressing their identity. It also includes society perspective and opinions on the adolescent use of slang. The teenage language was for a long period under-represented in language corpora. In order to repair this, a very comprehensive teen age language corpus, the Bergen Corpus of London Teenage Language (COLT, 2002), was created.This large material is focusing on the spoken language of teenagers between 13 to 17 years in London. It consists of five hundred thousand words and it is a part of the British National Corpus. [2] As a basis for my arguments I will be mainly using corpus compilation, analysis and findings named Trends in Teenage Talk published in 2002 by Anna-Brita Stenstrom, Gisle Andersen and Ingrid Kristine Hasund, because as it consider the teenage slang language, it is the most relevant corpus for this essay. Slang and teenage languageIt is hard to give a definition of slang, because there is a difficulty of distinguishing it from jargon (special vocabulary used by particular profession), colloquialisms (special use of vocabulary according to geographical region), usage of vague terms (statements with unclear message) or neologism (new coinages or senses of words or phrases). Definitions do, however, ex ist, and the online Oxford English dictionary (2012) classifies slang into the three types: The first type consider slang as the special vocabulary used by any set of persons of a low or disreputable character; language of a low and vulgar type.Another definition is that it is the special vocabulary or phraseology of a particular calling or profession; the cant or jargon of a certain class or period. And finally the last one says that it is the language of a highly colloquial type, considered as below the level of standard educated speech, and consisting either of new words or of current words employed in some special sense. Slang is natural part of each language. It is the non-standard vocabulary usually connected with particular group of people. When discussing slang, we should consider its history and development.Slang has its origin in the middle of the 18th century. In that time slang was seen as a low level language, since it was used primarily by criminals, revelers and drunk en people in pubs. Later on slang became regarded as a specific vocabulary of certain professions, like printers, poets and even lawyers or doctors. During the beginning of the nineteen century slang begins to be seen as a highly colloquial part of almost any language. [3] Moreover as the online Oxford English dictionary demonstrates, the word slang appeared in the connection with the language of youngsters for the very first time in 1818, when Sir J. T.Coleridge was recorded to have stated the following: †Two of the best [students] come to me as a peculiar grinder (I must have a little slang)†. [4] This connection appeared as well in William Makepeace Thackeray’s novel Vanity Fair: â€Å"He was too old to listen to the banter of the assistant-surgeon and the slang of the youngsters. †[5] This fact proves that the importance of the adolescent talk has been seen as an important variety of language for a relatively long period. As well as human language also slang is continuously changing its form and vocabulary and not all of the expressions have to disappear as its generation grew up.On the one hand there are new slang words springing up and on the other hand old ones are dying. This means that the slang expressions used by teenagers may sometimes overlap the barriers of a particular group and become more widely used. Some of the slang expressions may absorb into the English language and become part of Standard English. Types of slang As I stated previously it is hard to distinguish slang from other types of informal language. Linguists therefore tend to use different terms when describing types of slang.Slang is generally divided into general slang and specific slang. While general slang is used among all people without the need to be a member of an exact group, mainly to avoid conventions; specific slang is used with a purpose to show that a person belongs to a specific group and has a loyalty with other members of this group. It se ems obvious that teenager's slang belongs to the specific one. In the Norwegian study Trends in teenage talk Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002: 65) stated that adolescent talk do not include only general slang, but also vague (E. . â€Å"stuff like that†, â€Å"lots of†), vogue (words which already exists in the language, but become fashionable for a short period of time[6]), proxy (the usage of a verb â€Å"go† or â€Å"be like† instead of the quotation), small words (E. g. â€Å"you know†, â€Å"sort of†, â€Å"yeah†, â€Å"like†), taboo and swear words; which he described with a term â€Å"slanguage†. In the next section I will look at these features of â€Å"slanguage†. Teenage talk Before we start to talk about teenage language in depth, we must define the word teenager. The word teenager firstly appeared in 1941.Earlier on expressions like puber, adolescent, teen, farrow or teener were used to refer to a young person between the ages of 13 and 19. [7] The teenage years might be viewed by some as the most difficult period in a person’s life. It is typical that society views them as rebellious, sloppy, messy and imprecise. And this view is also reflected on their language. The rebellion might be seen in a use of slang words and new expressions in order to shock, the imprecision in the lack of grammar, sloppiness in amount of fillers like â€Å"like† or â€Å"um† and messiness in their handwriting.They are to some extent expected to act like adults, however, they might still be treated as children. Sometimes even parents may not understand their children language, so that their attitude towards their slang use might be negative. However, the present generation of teenagers is not the first to have these kinds of informal expressions. Each generation uses a language composed of informal words and phrases or a special own way of using a standard vocabulary. Everyone use different kind of language in different situations, so that adolescents will not use the same language while speaking with their parents as they do with their friends.The only reason of using this slang in front of their parents might be to keep them out of the loop. And this generally happens while they are talking about sex, drug or ethnic issues. Although many of these slang expressions are harmless and teenagers are using them just to be on the same boat as they peers, parents should be aware of this slang, so they can avoid some unpleasant situation. Teenage age is the part of life when most people do not yet know what to do with their life.That is one of the reasons why many teenagers are trying to find their place and identity by joining some social groups, which they can feel connected with. They usually feel a need to become members of some subcultures that relate to their own attitudes and interests. Some subcultures have their own private language code, which helps it s members to support their values, attitudes and uniqueness even more; in other words slang language. As already mentioned, apart from general slang, teenagers also use other characteristic linguistic features known as â€Å"slanguage†.One part of the teenage slanguage is vogue expressions. Vogue words are already existing words like â€Å"massive†, â€Å"paranoid† or â€Å"reckon†, which have become trendy in teenage talk, but they tend to lose their popularity in a short time. It might also be words like â€Å"wicked† or â€Å"sad† used in a different new way: a) Sad drinking habits = secret drinking in a boarding school[8], and b) A wicked pair of ragamuffin trousers, wicked rap, wicked music[9]. As Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002: 86-89) states another fashionable feature in teenage language is the usage of vague words.Some classic examples of vague words are: lots of, stuff like that, kind of, for ages, and so on, and whatever. Vag ue words are used instead of the adequate words in talk. The reason for using them is to take up the talk to a more colloquial level and fill the gaps in a sentence. These words occur in adults talk as well. The example of vagueness we can see in this conversation: Tommy: and they like wanna see like how we talk and all that. [You know] Regina: [Yeah] Tommy: rastafarian style and all[10] According to Chanell (1994: 197) vague words do not have a function of fillers without meaning.They are used for purpose to contribute the communicative message. Vague words are discussed with two interesting features in COLT (2012: 105;106): a) The research showed that usage of vague words is more frequent among adults than teenagers. However this finding might be quite inaccurate, because adults in COLT conversations mainly appear in the position of teachers and they might adopt the language means of their students to get more closed to them; and b) COLT study find that it is not possible to assoc iate the use of vague words with a specific gender or social background.Another trend in present teenage language is the usage of proxy phrases. It is the way of using verbs such as â€Å"go†, â€Å"say†, â€Å"be like† to substitute verbs of quotation. By using these verbs they can report to some situation or conversation and meaning can be also influenced by the tone or mimicry. In the corpus I have found following exmples: a) It was like sort of, she just went (banging noise), and just fell over and I just†¦ [11], and b) Well what I tried last weekend, not quite crying but I did a sort of moody sort of thing, I di= I was really quiet and I just gnored everyone and I was like really like, you know, didn't say a word. [12] According to Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002: 165) other typical feature of teenage talk are small words, which can be divided into hedges, empathizers and tags. The usage of invariant tags namely â€Å"yeah†, â€Å"eh†, â€Å"okay†, â€Å"right†, and â€Å"innit† is one of the most frequent feature in teenage slang. Empathizers are used to evoke sympathy between speaker and listener. An example of this is â€Å"you know†. By hedges are considered expressions like â€Å"just like† or â€Å"sort of†. Their purpose is to make speech sounds more or less unclear or fuzzier.Another feature of slanguage is a vocabulary which is considered as forbidden because of its offensive character known as taboo words. Taboo words are usually connected with sex, death, excretion or the human body. Slang taboos are used to replace the regular synonyms. Examples of these might be â€Å"take the piss out of† (make fun of), â€Å"screw up† (ruin), â€Å"to be pissed† (to be drunk). Teenage age is generally seen as an age of rebellion. Adolescents want to shock not only with their style of music, clothing, entertainment, but also with the talk style.That is the reason why they have favored the use of taboos. Just like taboos swear words are also considered as a part of forbidden language, which should not be spoken out loud. Although what sets them apart from taboos, might be their acceptance. If person use a swear word in some relevant situation, for example hurting oneself, as a relief, than it might be more acceptable. For example in the Czech republic is not forbidden to curse â€Å"kurva† if you hurt yourself. The purpose of swearing is quite obvious, it can come out of surprise, or anger or it may be used when people want to upset someone.Teenagers usually use some swear words when talking to their friends to look â€Å"cool†. In a recent study by Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002:64), it has been found that swearwords can be used as intensifiers to put more emphasis on adjective or adverb (extremely, fucking crap), abusives to refer to a person you are talking with (you dickhead/sod/motherfucker) or expletives expressing strong feelings, or serving as an oath or curse (for fuck’s sake, shit). Reasons for using slang British lexicographer Partridge (1993) pointed out a good deal of reasons for using slang.These were: to have fun by using playful expressions; to be different by using new expressions; to make your talk seems more witty, inventive and humorous; to be picturesque; to draw attention; to escape from cliches, or to be brief and concise; to enrich the language; to be solid, concrete or abstract; to strengthen or reduce your statement; to soften unpleasant situations; to reduce or disperse the seriousness of a conversation; to entertain the audience; for a social purposes to induce either friendliness or intimacy; to show that one belongs to a certain school, trade, profession or social class; to not be understood by others; to show someone that he or she is not a part of a group. For instance Stenstrom (2002:16) provides an example that shows how someone is not a part of a group. He gave a tape recorder to few teenagers, so they could record their daily conversations. The following is a transcription of one of these conversations: Johnny: We can’t have a squeak in this room. Get out. Brett: I’m not a fucking squeak, I’m just in a choir. Bradley: /laughing/ Yeah, precisely Rick: /laugh/ Ah that just shows your ignorance dunnit really? Yeah I’m a member of that one. Johnny: Shows my ignorance?Brett: Yeah if you weren’t ignorant you’d know there’s four parts to a choir and not just one castrate section. Johnny: And you’re in the Castro section? Brett: /laugh/ No I’m not. Johnny: With a laugh like that you’ve gotta be. Rick: Actually I tell you one good thing about being in this choir yeah, I’m in this little choir tonight, chamber choir yeah, which is only about, which is only about like eight or nine people yeah? Bradley: Oh so you’re the creme de la choir As we can see Johnny is using the slang word â€Å"squeak† when speaking about Brett and, who are members of the school choir. By this he means that they have mutating voice, while singing in the choir and he is also making a fun, that they are castrated.An important aspect of adolescence is to be perceived as â€Å"cool† or accepted by one’s peers. Because being â€Å"cool† also usually means being popular, and popularity is connected with higher social status. Teenager’s desire for being part of a group, and also being a popular member of a group, may by many be considered one of the most important matters in this point of their life. Teenagers have a tendency to favor unique styles of music or clothes. They choose own friends and places where they like to spend their free time. And they also tend to use specific language. So that the usage of particular phrases, words and slang expressions might be seen as an identity marker for them.The aims of young people are to be independent and free, so that they may use rather informal language than formal, to express their positive or negative attitudes towards other people or situations. Nevertheless at the same time they should be aware about choosing right language, while talking with different people. If they are not capable to choose right way to talk for example with older people, then there is no surprise they might be perceived cheeky, rude or less intelligent. Sources and factors influencing teenage speech Compared with the past days, when the society was not influenced by the mass media, the talk of teenagers is very different today. It is mainly affected by the pop-culture. Most teenagers have access to the same music, films, TV shows, and advertisements and especially they have the connection to the internet.Before the introduction of mass media such as internet, television or radio, slang varied mostly according to the regions you lived in. However in present days as there is a poss ibility to access the world via these electronic medias, adolescents share same or very similar culture. The reason why are these sources included to this essay is that they are influencing adolescent’s language and at the same time they help to spread this language quickly and easily. According to editor of the Oxford English Dictionary Jesse Shaidlower, technology has been one of the biggest drivers of new vocabulary for centuries. [13] There is no doubt that the internet is a great source of influence on the English language.In 2010 there were made an experiment by Salzburg academy about the addiction on media including internet. They asked students in ten universities around the world not to use internet, phone, email or any media for 24 hours. The results were comparable with withdrawal symptoms from drugs or alcohol. [14] We can see that most of the adolescents are addicted to the social pages like Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin, therefore their language is influenced by these social networks. Abbreviations like â€Å"LOL† (laughing out loud), â€Å"OMG† (Oh my God), â€Å"FB† (Facebook) or â€Å"BTW† (By the way) appear on internet pages every day and sometimes you can hear them in a normal spoken language as well.Also there is a grammar issue, because while chatting in the internet grammar is usually missing so the message like this can easily appear: â€Å"BTW hope u r F9 2day. † (By the way hope you are fine today. ) Teenagers tend to save time by reducing proper words to acronyms or symbols. We may say that Net Lingua is slang used among the internet at emails, social networks, online games, etc. We can also find many slang expressions which comes from TV shows, films or advertisements. For example according to Tagliamonte (2005) TV-show Friends popularized the usage of intensifiers such as â€Å"so† and â€Å"very as a means to emphasize some point of view. Another example is the popularization of th e greeting â€Å"Wassup? which is the colloquial pronunciation of the phrase â€Å"What's up? †. It became popular after the screening of the commercial campaign for Budweiser beer in 1999. [15] This phrase was also used in one of the episodes of a popular TV show How I Met Your Mother named Trilogy Time. Another element which influences the adolescent talk is the music they listen to. Most of them prefer main-stream music like pop, pop-rap or pop-rock or hip-hop music. And mainly hip-hop music is the one which has been influencing the English language already for some time. Hip hop renew and usurped already existing words like â€Å"cool†, â€Å"soul†, â€Å"chill†, â€Å"swing† and many other. ConclusionThis assignment has given the overview of lifestyle and speech among today's teenagers and it has find out why teenagers tend to use particular slang to express their identity. Moreover it served the main sources, which influences adolescentsâ₠¬â„¢ language like internet, television or music. It also mentioned the question if the use of slang may leave a bad impression on people they talk with. It was not easy to write about slang, because there are so many sources considering this topic. So that I chose to write about the group I thought uses slang the most, about teenagers. Firstly I tried to explain the term slang, show its origins and development.I have found that for the first time slang appeared in connection with teenagers in 1818. This work showed that above the general slang, adolescents’ talk also include vague, vogue, proxy, small words, taboo and swear words. According to Stenstrom, Andersen and Hasund (2002: 65) this typical vocabulary can be described with a term â€Å"slanguage†. This essay has shown teenagers use the slang to express positive or negative attitudes towards people or situations. On the one hand they use it to support their values, attitudes, and uniqueness and to show their sym pathy for someone. On the other hand they use it to draw the attention, shock, to show the rebellion or antipathy.Perhaps the most important aspect in the life of a teenager is to be perceived as cool. This essay showed that the way teenagers use their language can make them either popular for their peers or outsiders. References: ABC News (2011). OMG! The OED [Hearts] A Few New Words. [ONLINE] Available at: http://abcnews. go. com/US/omg-oed-words/story? id=13220816#. UIgSOsVrit8. [Last Accessed 24 October 12] Ayto, J. , Simpson, J. (1993), The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Battistella, E. L. (2005), Bad Language: Are Some Words Better than Others?. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Channel, J. (1994), Vague Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Eckert, P. (1989).Jocks and Burnouts: Social identity in the high school. New York: Teachers College Press. Green, J. (1988), The Slang Thesaurus. London: Penguin Books. Jelinkova, H. (2011), Slang Used among British and Czech Teenagers. Zlin: Tomas Bata University in Zlin. Oxford University Press (2012). slang, n. 3. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. oed. com/view/Entry/181318? isAdvanced=false&result=3&rskey=tyORJE&. [Last Accessed 16 October 12]. Oxford University Press (2012). teenager, n. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. oed. com/view/Entry/198559? redirectedFrom=teenage. [Last Accessed 17 October 12]. Partridge, E. (1933). Slang To-Day And Yesterday. London: William Press.Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change (2010). Unplugged: Living without the media. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www. salzburg. umd. edu/salzburg/new/news/unplugged-study-goes-global. [Last Accessed 30 October 12] Stenstrom, A. B. , Andersen, G. , Hasund, I. K. (2002), Trends in Teenage Talk: Corpus Compilation, Analysis, and Findings Studies in Corpus Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing. Tagliamonte, S. A. , Roberts, Ch. (2005), So weird; so cool; so innovative: The us e of intensifiers in the television series Friends. American Speech. 80. 3: 280-300 Thackeray, W. M. (1999), Vanity fair: A Novel Without Hero. New York: Modern library. The New York Times (2012).Young Women Often Trendsetters in Vocal Patterns. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. nytimes. com/2012/02/28/science/young-women-often-trendsetters-in-vocal-patterns. html? _r=2&emc=etal. [Last Accessed 24 October 12]. Thorne, T. (2005), Dictionary of Contemporary Slang. London: A & C Black Publishers Ltd. Trudge, P. (2000), Sociolinguistic: An Introduction to Language and Society. (4th ed. ). London: Penguin Books. ——————————— [ 1 ]. Trudgill (2000) 83. [ 2 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 2. [ 3 ]. Ayto, Simpson (1993) 5. [ 4 ]. OED (2012) http://www. oed. com/view/Entry/181318? rskey=ncdjjC&result=3#eid [ 5 ]. Thackeray (1848) 390. [ 6 ].Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 65. [ 7 ]. OED (2012) h ttp://www. oed. com/view/Entry/198559? redirectedFrom=teenager. [ 8 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 42. [ 9 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 45. [ 10 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 86. [ 11 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 128. [ 12 ]. Stenstrom, Andersen, Hasund (2002) 117. [ 13 ]. ABC NEWS (2011) http://abcnews. go. com/US/omg-oed-words/story? id=13220816#. UIgSOsVrit8 [ 14 ]. Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change (2010) http://www. salzburg. umd. edu/salzburg/new/news/unplugged-study-goes-global [ 15 ]. Winn (2008) http://www. trendhunter. com/trends/ultra-viral-political-videos-wassup-2008

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Why do we need so many different theories in accounting Essay - 1

Why do we need so many different theories in accounting - Essay Example It is therefore essential that this information is recorded and reported in such a way that it holds value for all its users. In this paper framework for accounting profession including different accounting theories would be discussed. Furthermore, an illustration of different accounting treatment based on different accounting approaches is also made in this paper. The accounting profession is based on values and conceptual framework that has been developed over the years. This conceptual framework incorporates different well established theories and principles which determine the methodology for recognising, measuring and recording of the company’s assets and liabilities. The framework also allows logical reasoning for addressing different accounting and financial issues and provides guidelines for incorporating the information related to these issues in the financial records. This ensures that a uniform approach could be applied to different classifications of assets and liabilities and the information that has been produced and verified can be depended upon for decision making. An accounting theory defined as â€Å"a coherent set of hypothetical, conceptual and pragmatic principles forming a general frame of reference for enquiring into the nature of accounting†(Hendriksen & Breda, 1992) therefore could be suggested to provide the necessary concepts, framework, principles, procedures, rules and regulations. Another way of looking at accounting theories is that they allow predicting accountants’ behaviour and provide basis for coherent accounting treatment of assets and liabilities. There are numerous accounting theories suggesting that there is no single comprehensive of accounting. They could be categorized into three broad areas that are 1) those providing explanation of accounting practices 2) those providing forecasts or predictions of impacts of future

Friday, September 27, 2019

Government Spending Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Government Spending - Assignment Example imperative to note that that figure ($700 billion) is strictly what was committed in 2008 to curb the financial crisis since the New York Tines (1) details a further $12.2 trillion committed by the government by 2011. Therefore, the amount spent on TARP was $475 billion, Bailouts $11 trillion and QE $787 billion as reported by the Treasury Department (1). According to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB 1), federal spending on private-sector contractors in the fiscal year 2012 was 14% of the federal budget and was slightly below $307 billion. Further, the OMB stated that the spending exceeded that spent on federal contract spending on procurement of goods. According to CNN, this is because there is a push to cut down on federal spending and getting rid of a bloated government, which has trickled down to the private sector (Shahadi 1). As explained by the OMB, the 10 years preceding 2012 saw the cost of service contracts increase by 44% to the current figure. As of September 30 2013, the total value of unclassified US government procurement contracts dropped from the previous fiscal year’s $512 billion to $456 billion (Salant & Kathleen 1). This figure includes all procurements through free trade agreements, also refered to as FTAs. Although no explicit information is available on the budget allocation to the Department of Defense and other classified contracts, finding by the Bloomberg Industries indicate that this total budget featured an allocation cut of $22.3 billion to the Pentagon (Salant & Kathleen 1). The overall decline in government spending for the fiscal year ending September 30 2013 marked the fourth consecutive year of cuts in government spending since 1989. A report by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) put the cost incurred by governments around the world after the 2008 financial crises at $11.9 trillion (Conway 1). By the time this estimate was made, it was equivalent one fifth of the economic output of the entire world and entailed

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Influence of Hollywood Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Influence of Hollywood - Research Paper Example as the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission got together to conduct a thorough study of how â€Å"entertainment firms market violence to children† (Cain, p1, 1999). But more importantly, it is an unequivocal acknowledgement of the negative influence of Hollywood on society in general and teenage boys in particular. Violence and anti-social behavior shown in Hollywood movies had even united the usually bipolar American polity, as both Republicans and Democrats hoped to â€Å"hold Hollywood accountable for its gratuitous violence in movies, television shows, video games and recordings†. (Cain, p1, 1999) Douglas Lowenstein, former head of the Interactive Digital Software Association put the core issue succinctly, when he said â€Å"What kind of values are we promoting when a child can walk into a store and find video games where you win based on how many people you can kill or how many places you can blow up? The nation should not lose sight of the fact that parents, not kids, buy most games. And therefore, keeping games not appropriate for children out of their hands starts and ends at home". (Cain, p1, 1999) Hence, while Hollywood is the instigator of this unsavory tendency among teenage boys, skillful parenting can keep a check on their children. The concerns raised by the country’s leaders are not without merit. For example, several studies have shown a positive correlation between violent programs (including movies, television and digital media) and violent behavior among children. Furthermore, â€Å"children under the age of 18 were the victims in nearly 20 percent of the violent crimes committed by criminals now in state prison, and that more than half of the juvenile victims were 12 or younger† (Smith,, 2001, p.321). Children who come from a dysfunctional family environment or have been abused physically or sexually are particularly prone to be affected. The gravity of the situation can be learnt from the fact that the Office of Juvenile

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Computer crime Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer crime - Article Example My personal security and information is protected under the various provisions of the U.S. constitution and I am not just about to surrender it to the FBI based upon a court order. The FBI has it all wrong, the citizens of America do not pose a threat to national security in general. But they are creating situations wherein the actions of the very government that was sworn to protect our interests, become the very threat to our national security. In fact, â€Å"...a group of prominent computer security experts argues that mandating â€Å"back doors† in online communications products is likely to compromise the security of Americans’ computers and could even pose a threat to national security. â€Å" (Lee, 2013). Would there be any reason for the FBI to legally intercept my electronic communications and spy on my internet activity? I believe that the only reasons that should be allowed would be if the person being surveilled is a foreigner on American soil who hails fr om a known terrorist country. If that person, or any American for that matter, proves to have some sort of terrorist leanings as evidenced by his offline activities, or, if the person is a known activist or perceived terrorist threat listed in other international terrorist warning lists. There is absolutely no reason in my book to surveille any average American citizen based on the assumption that he is a potential threat. According to Sanchez (2013), â€Å"The FBI’s misguided proposal would impose costly burdens on thousands of companies (and threaten to entirely kill those whose business model centers on providing highly secure encrypted communications), while making cloud solutions less attractive to businesses and users. It would aid totalitarian governments eager to spy on their citizens while distorting business decisions about software design. Perhaps worst of all, it would treat millions of law-abiding users with legitimate security needs as presumed criminals â€⠀ while doing little to hamper actual criminals. â€Å"It is upon those beliefs that I would not support any legislation to monitor private citizens on the internet if I were a legislator. Sources Lee, T. (2013). How the FBI's online wiretapping plan could your computer hacked. The Washington Post. Retrieved from online-wiretapping-plan-could-get-your-computer-hacked/ Sanchez, J. (2013). FBI's latest proposal for a wiretap ready internet should be trashed. Retrieved from is-misdirected-shortsighted-and-ridiculous/ Journal Question 2 The first big threat to computer security that I believe will be a big issue over the coming days will be the increased Windows 8 attacks geared towards malware, ransom kits, and rootkit modifications. I consider this threat to be a general one as it affects all computer users. The rootkits, ransom kits, and malware programs that are unknowingly installed into the computer poses a high level of personal information security breach and big scale attacks, thus leaving everyone vulnerable to the problem. Once our personal information, as stored on our computer hard drives are accessed by others, the problem of identity theft becomes a very hard to solve problem for everyone. This will not be an easy problem to solve as Windows has a track record of having the most problematic software that hackers can easily

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Study - Culinarian Cookware Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

- Culinarian Cookware - Case Study Example The company has conducted previous price promotions of 20% discount in the year 2004 (for CX1 Tyro collection line), in the year 2005 (for CX1, DX1 line) and in the year 2006 (CX1 and DX1 line). Vice President of Marketing’s View Vice president of marketing for the company believes there is no need for adopting price promotion because that can hurt the premium brand image of the company. He took help of research report prepared by consulted to show that price promotion in 2004 impacted negatively to the profit margin of the company. The company hired external consultant to analyze profitability of 2004 price promotion. The consultant pointed out price promotion has caused of loss of $469, 489 as contribution during 2004 period. Time series analysis shows that unit sales for DX1 line decreased by 4800 units during price promotion hence external consultant concluded that $99,332 was lost as contribution DX1 product line due to brand cannibalization. Taking support from above men tioned statistics marketing vice president of the company concluded that price promotion for a single product line might increase sales revenue for that particular brand but it would eat the revenue of other brand. Price promotion for a particular product line will encourage customers to switch from purchasing other product lines offered by the company in order to purchase discounted products and as a result total revenue earned by Culinarian Cookware would be decreased. Senior Sales Manager’s View Senior sales manager is in support for price promotion and she pointed out that report of external consultant is apocryphal due to following reasons. Sales revenue for first quarter of 2004 was 24% low in comparison to sales revenue for the same quarter in 2003 hence due to external reasons. She concluded that company should not blame price promotion alone for the low sales volume of second quarter in 2004 and sales data for the year should be judged by lowering the margin by 24%. Inclusion of elements other than labor and raw material in variable cost calculation in the report was questioned by her. Cannibalization cost calculation method was also questioned by her. Industry Trend Research data shows offering gift with purchase is more successful push strategy in comparison to price promotion strategy. Competitors of Culinarian Cookware such as Robusto and Le Gourmand offer gifts with purchase. Multi dimensionality of the condition forced Culinarian Cookware to rethink about implementing price promotion strategy to increase sales revenue. Major marketing challenge for the company is to select a pricing strategy which can help them achieve sustainable growth in near future. Analysis of the Current Situation Strength Culinarian Cookware sells premium range cookware products and also the market leader with 6.5% market share in the premium product segment. They offer four product lines complemented with Tyro Collection (CX1), Classic Collection (DX1), Advanced C hef collection (SX1) and Professional Grade collection (PROX1). Variety of product line helps the company to cater multidimensionality of customer’s demand. Sales and distribution channel for the company is

Monday, September 23, 2019

Personal statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 42

Personal Statement Example Through wide reading about issues pertaining to human relations across different parts of the globe, I have come to realise that law is an indispensable component of our lives. In fact, it is an integral part of our lives. I am strongly convinced that societies could not be governable the absence of law. To that effect, different laws are promulgated by different nations in order to govern the conduct of human behaviour so that they do not transgress against the standard expectations with regard to how they should behave. However, law is one subject area that is often misunderstood by many people. Basically, law is designed for people and by people but it seems that many individuals often fail to interpret law correctly. As a result, their rights may be violated through ignorance of the law. Against this background, I have developed a keen interest in understanding and mastering different aspects of law particularly the concept of corporate law. This is a new dispensation in law and I would like to gain more knowledge and insight about it. Currently, I am a final year law student and I have a keen interest in pursuing my studies in the same area. After completion of my first degree, I would like to proceed to Masters Degree in corporate law from a reputable institution. I have been greatly inspired by the education system in England and I can proudly say that I would like to pursue my Masters Degree in law in this great country. I have been attracted to this country through numerous visits that my family and I have had from my early childhood. Along the years, I became familiar with its streets, buildings shops and the ideology of its people and how to deal with them. Moreover, I love the language, especially after attending an English school in my country. The UK is also known for its prestigious academics, having numerous universities ranking top in the world. I am convinced that the British curriculum is

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Female Foeticide in India Essay Example for Free

Female Foeticide in India Essay Save the girl child, or Beti Bachao, Beti Bachao Andolan in Urdu, is a campaign in India to end the gender-selective abortion of female fetuses, which has skewed the population towards a significant under-representation of girls in some Indian states. The Beti Bachao campaign is supported by human rights groups, non-governmental organizations, and state and local government in India. Contents [hide] 1 Female foeticide 2 Beti Bachao awareness campaign 3 National support 4 Effectiveness 5 See also 6 References Female foeticide[edit] Further information: Female foeticide in India Sex-selective abortion, or female foeticide, has led to a sharp drop in the ratio of girls born in contrast to boy infants in some states in India. Ultrasound technology has made it possible for pregnant women and their families to learn the gender of a foetus early in a pregnancy. Discrimination against girl infants, for several reasons, has combined with the technology to result in a rise in abortions of fetuses identified as female during ultrasound testing. The trend was first noticed when results of the 1991 national census were released, and it was confirmed to be a worsening problem when results of the 2001 national census were released. The reduction in the female population of certain Indian states continues to worsen, as results of the 2011 national census have shown. It has been observed that the trend is most pronounced in relatively prosperous regions of India. [1] The dowry system in India is often blamed; the expectation that a large dowry must be provided for daughters in order for them to marry is frequently cited as a major cause for the problem. 2] Pressure for parents to provide large dowries for their daughters is most intense in prosperous states where high standards of living, and modern consumerism, are more prevalent in Indian society. Rates of female foeticide in Madhya Pradesh are increasing; the rate of live births was 932 girls per 1000 boys in 2001, which dropped to 912 by 2011. It is expected that if this trend continues, by 2021 the number of girls will drop below 900 per 1000 boys. 3] Beti Bachao awareness campaign[edit] Beti Bachao activities include large rallies, poster campaigns, wall paintings, billboards, and television commercials and short animations and video films. Celebrities such as video director Jagmeet Bal, and Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra, have become involved in Save the girl child initiatives. National support[edit] The Beti Bachao campaign is supported by numerous medical organizations in India, including the Indian Medical Association. 4] Government support at the state level has provided funding for Beti Bachao publicity activities in particular. The expenditures related to the campaign have been a source of political controversy in Madhya Pradesh, which launched its official Beti Bachao Abhiyan campaign in 2012. [5] Effectiveness[edit] The campaign has reported some success in parts of India. In 2009, it was reported that in Gujarat, rates of female births increased from 802 to 882 for every 1000 male births. Beti Bachao activities were credited with this improvement. [6]

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Ethical Theory, Business Practice and the Corporation Essay Example for Free

Ethical Theory, Business Practice and the Corporation Essay If I would be about to handle the situation of Speedy Motors, there are some things that I would consider first before making decision especially the crucial ones like this. I think it would be best to solve this problem by finding the equitable welfare for all the stakeholders of the company. Given there are only a few more time before the company shuts down, I would call for a meeting for all of the employees and workers of the company and explain to them the real situation of the company. Moreover, I would also stressed out that they would be receiving additional separation pay for the damages that will be done by the company regarding the short notice of shutting down of operation. I could also possible give them educational plans for their siblings and refer some of them to other close companies of Speedy Motors to enable them to find a job right away. With the said structure of giving information of the company as with the current situation of the operation, there is a big possibility that they would understand the urgency and need to shut down the operation. Although there is a lot of stakeholder that would surely be affected by the said shutting down of the operation of Speedy Motors, at least, the management did made efforts not to happen the worse for all of them. One of the stakeholders of the company would be the workers, of course. With the additional separation pay and other benefits, I think it would be enough to compensate the welfare loss of the workers. Aside from the workers, the community is also part of the stakeholders of the company especially those community that relies on the jobs that are being offered by the company to them. Well, for them, through referring the employees coming from these communities to other close companies of the Speedy Motors, then, in one way or another, the possible loss in the welfare of the community will now be compensated. The last but not the least part of the stakeholders of the company would be their stockholders. With the shutting down of the company, there is a possibility that these investors would earn less from their investments in the company which could pissed them and lost trust on the domestic companies and in order to prevent this kind of scenario, one possible way of compensating the losses of this investors would be to give additional dividend rate for them. The funds that will be used in this strategy are the funds that were produced from the liquidation of the fixed assets of the company like land, building and machineries. The reason why I come up with this kind of solutions would be for the primary reason that it is the responsibility of the company to put the right things into place since in the first place the management of Speedy Motors did made wrong for not disclosing to the stakeholders of the company the financial condition of the company on the right amount of time (O’Toole, 2005). Although competition is already a natural phenomenon in the market, still, the financial aspect of the company, which is an internal matter, should be disseminated to the stakeholders especially to the workers that rely most on their job to the company. One way of informing the workers or disseminating the information would be to release a memo to various department of the company stating the current status of the company and that the management did done its best to prevent the shutting down of the company but unfortunately it did not work out. As for the media, press release would be an effective ways of disclosing the information of the shutting down of the company. With the mass coverage of media, disseminating the said information would be now easier especially in tapping the community that relies on the company and also the loyal customers of the company. Aside from press release, another way by which the company would inform the community regarding the shutting down of the company would be through public announcements to be posted on locations that mostly visited by the members of the community. With this kind of strategy, the welfare of the stakeholders of the company is all considered and I do believe that the efforts of the company to somehow compensate the losses of the identified stakeholders are already enough.

Friday, September 20, 2019

A portfolio of working in business

A portfolio of working in business In this portfolio, I will reflect on what I have learnt and experiences while I am undertaking BSB124, which is Working in Business. I will also look at the area that I would like to improve. I will do this in three sections. First section is about intrapersonal effectiveness and The Big Five Model will be explore and discuss how it assist me for my future career. Second section is interpersonal effectiveness, Belbins Self-Perception Inventory (1981) and SPARK will be discussed. The last section is about organizational effectiveness and networking and mentoring will be discussed. In these three sections, I will explore my own strength and weaknesses. 2. Intrapersonal effectiveness 2.1 The Big Five Model (NEO IPIP) Personalities at work are like cars in the city: They often can keep us from our destination. Pierce J. Howard, The Owners Manual for Personality at Work, 2001. Personality assessment is important in a variety of ways, from education to our future work. Psychologists have found a lot of methods which we can found on the internet or any other places to classify our personality dimension; however, The Big Five Model (BFI) is the one stands out as the most statistically robust. The Big Five Model has five factors which include extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability (or neuroticism) and openness to experience (Costa McCrae, 1992). Extraversion characterizes people who are outgoing, talkative, sociable and assertive; agreeableness characterizes people who are courteous, good-natured, empathic and caring; conscientiousness characterized people who are careful, dependable and self-disciplined; neuroticism characterized people who are anxious, hostile and depressed; and lastly openness to experience characterized people who are imaginative, creative, curious and sensitive (McShane, 2010, p.51). This research is very imp ortant to me because I aim to work as a hairdresser after I graduate from QUT and the Big Five Model can help me to have a better understanding of my own personality and therefore can improve my weaknesses. From the result that I get from the Big Five Model, as refers to the appendix 1, it has shows that I am low neuroticism, agreeableness and openness to experience. This has mean that I am calm, appetite for new ideas and can easily accommodate the wishes and needs of others but I will easily get bored for everything and easily unaware of problem. I personally think that the result is fairly accurate because as what I had experience at the past in BSB124, I found that I can easily accommodate my group members when we have meeting, for example, anytime will do for me to meet them to discuss the assignment we have, however, I will easily felt bored when we met up and will easily unaware some of the problem that my group members have. Therefore, from the Big Five Model, I can explore my intrapersonal strength and weaknesses and this will help in my future work which is hairdresser. From the result I get from the Big Five Model, agreeableness and openness to experience are my intrapersonal strength because as a hairdresser, you must be creative enough to design the hair style and you must also accommodate to your company culture. In fact, not only hairdresser requires agreeableness, most of the jobs also require you to have this personality. However, low neuroticism is my intrapersonal weaknesses. Why? This is because it has a big impact to my future career of hairdresser. As a hairdresser, it requires you to always aware the problem that the customers have. But, according to Costa McCrae (1999), low neuroticism means that insensitive or unaware of problems. This is a big issue because if I am unaware what the customers problem, then I would not be able to become a professional hairdresser. Therefore, I aim to imp rove the weakness that I have to ensure that I can develop my career goals. How am I going to improve my weakness which is low neuroticism? In our next group assignment, I will try to pay more attention to my group members and see whether they need help or not. I will spare no effort to help them. This is one of the opportunities that I can improve my neuroticism. Another opportunity is keep a diary to see whether my weakness got improve or not. 3. Interpersonal effectiveness 3.1 Belbins Self-Perception Inventory Firstly, what is a team? A team is a group of people who work together interdependently to accomplish a goals. Then, what make a good team? According to Belbins self-perception inventory (BTRSPI), a good team must include several important mixes which are plant, resource investigator, co-coordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, completer finisher and implementer. These can identifies which roles are you in and therefore you can use the information to know your contribution and weakness. From the result that I get from the BTRSPI, as refers to the appendix 2, it shows that team worker is the best respondent team role for me and resource investigator is the second highest scores which mean that it can be denote as my back-up team roles. The strength of team worker is about helping individual members to achieve and maintain team effectiveness, however, team worker always indecisiveness at moment of crisis. While the strength of resource investigator is exploring new resources, but it liable to lose interest once the initial fascination has passed. The results are somehow accurate but do have a little bit inaccurate. By comparing the result to the previous section, they actually have a little bit of relevance. For example, from the previous section, the result from the Big Five Model shows that I will easily get bored for everything and resource investigator is liable to lose interest. This is very accurate because I do easily get bored and lose interest once the initia l fascination has passed. The reason I feel that this is a little bit inaccurate is because from my opinion, I am not good at helping individual members to achieve and maintain team effectiveness as what team worker state. Therefore, what I think is either this is my strength that I havent discovered yet or the result is a little bit inaccurate. 3.2 SPARK According to SPARK (2010, para.2) group projects arent fair is a frequent student response in higher education. What is SPARK? SPARK (self and peer assessment resource kit) is a tools that enables students to rate their own and their peers contributions. It will then automatically produce two factors which are the self and peer assessment (SPA) and the self assessment to peer assessment (SAPA). According to Spark (2010, para.7), SPA is a weighing factor determined by both the self and peer rating of a students contribution while SAPA is about the ratio of a students own rating of themselves compared to the average rating of their contribution by their peers. My overall SPA is 0.91 and my SAPA is 0.99. 0.91 of SPA is very low which mean that I did not contribute well in my group. This may due to because I did not aware the problem and maybe because I am English second language (ESL) students, therefore they gave me some easy job to do and thus I did not contribute much to the group. As my SAPA score is 0.99, it is slightly lower than 1, but still consider that I rated myself fairly accurate compared to the average rating that I received from my group members. Even though my SPA is low, but the feedbacks from my peers are still positive. For example, Good energy good to work with shows that I can easily accommodate to my group (this result is accurate by compared it to section 2.1); Huey was organized and cooperative throughout the group process. Even though English was not his first language, he successfully communicated ideas and gave a confident oral presentation which effectively conveyed his efforts in developing our presentations re commendations. (Once again, this had shows that agreeableness is my intrapersonal strength.) In my group, most of my group members came from other country, for instance, England, Malaysia and etc. Therefore, we all got a very different cultural background. However, since most of them are good in English, only I am the only one who is English second language (ESL) student, the problems occur when we need to discuss something and provide some new idea because I am poor at communicate by using English. Luckily, my group members are awesome. They help me a lot to finish up the part that I need to do. Therefore, I personally rate them all on SPARK higher than me. I have learnt a lot from the group. One thing that I have learnt from this group is respect. Why I say so? This is because they never discriminate against me even though I am ESL student and they respect me and will ask me what my opinion or ask me to decide something. However, according to Belbins model, I am poor at indecisiveness at moment of crisis. Therefore, most of the times I just ask them to decide. Thus, I learnt respect in this experience and I found that I need to improve my weakness (that is deciding on something and improve my English). As our group is multicultural group, this experience will help me for my career goals because as a hairdresser, you will come across with any type of customer and team members. Thus, I aim to improve my weakness to develop my career goals. 4. Organisational effectiveness 4.1 Networking and Mentoring What is networking? It is actually a system that sharing information and services among individuals or groups. Then why is networking important to everyone? According to Tamowska Singleton (2010), networking can be key to both personal and professional growth, but you have to be diligent about keeping in touch with your contacts and sharing information. There are four types of networking style, which are the loner, the socialiser, the user and the builder. The loner likes to do most things by themselves but they will not worry about other. The socialiser always tries to make friend with everyone they meet but they are not a good listener. The user tends to be collecting the business cards but they will not contact them again while the builder always listens and learns from other people carefully. According to Singleton, Networking is worth Millions. As I am first year business student, I did not have much experience about networking. Therefore, I aim to increase my networking experience by joining the student associations such as Business Advantage at QUT. Thus, I can build up a network with students, colleagues and also professionals before I graduate. What I will do is then keep in touch with them (not like user who just collect the business cards but didnt contact anymore but is the builder who will keep in touch with them and listen to them). This will affect my career as previous stated because as the builder, what am I suppose to do is always listen to the customer and learn new stuff from other people because customer like the hairdresser listen to them. When the hairdresser listen to the customer, they build a network between them and therefore the customer will go back to find the hairdresser again. That why networking is so important for my career. Then what is mentoring? According to Dessler, Griffiths Lloyd-Walker (2004), mentoring involves linking a more experienced member of staff with a less experienced member of staff to enable sharing of experience, knowledge and skills. Mentoring is a very powerful tool that we can share our skills and knowledge to each other, for example, as what I experience in BSB124, my tutor share her experience and her knowledge to me. Mentoring also important for my career because when I graduate and looking for a job, let say I am junior hairdresser, then I will need to find an experience senior hairdresser to share their experience to me therefore I can do the job better. To get mentoring success, I plan to meet my mentor at least every week to share our new knowledge or skills or experience. 5. Conclusion As the conclusion, I have reflected on what I have learnt and experiences while I am undertaking BSB124. In section 2 which is intrapersonal effectiveness, I aim to increase my neuroticism and I had plan on how to improve it. In section 3 which is interpersonal effectiveness, the Belbins model had stated me that I am always indecisiveness at moment of crisis. Therefore I also aim to improve the weakness that I had explored in section 3. Finally, in section 4, I would like to be the builder and I do have some plan to build up my network.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Violence On Television :: essays research papers

Violence on Television   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since its introduction, television has increased in popularity to such an extent that the TV has become the electronic member of the family. The TV can hypnotize us and lure us into worlds of fantasy and adventure as we escape from our worries and cares. It can also inform us and bring us up to date on the latest news. The TV can be a teacher, a friend, and a source of knowledge and information, or it can have a negative effect on our behavior. No matter what effect television has on a person, it is often possible to know someone's lifestyle by observing the way he watches TV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When the television was first introduced, critics claimed that it would be mind numbing, addictive, and utterly passive. These critics were describing the stereotypical TV watcher, the Addict. As his name implies, this person's life revolves around watching television. TV is like a drug to him, and he cannot get enough of it. He epitomizes the couch potato and the â€Å"boob† in boob tube, and can often be described as intellectually empty, especially while he is watching TV. The Addict lives hand to mouth from the potato chip bag. He is lazy and will often go for hours without moving from the television.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If the Addict is not glued in front of the TV, he is most likely to be found paging through his latest issue of TV guide, carefully selecting the shows which he will watch that week and marking them off with a highlighter. On an average day the Addict will come home from work or school, put off all responsibilities, and escape into the world of TV. In this world, the Addict has no demands or responsibilities. The TV becomes his only focus of attention, and all of his energy goes into staring at the TV. While watching one of his favorite shows, the Addict becomes totally oblivious to the world around him. He will not answer his phone, talk to his family or friends, or do anything else which may distract from his viewing pleasure. He lives to watch TV.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Just as the Addict emerged with the invention of the TV, the Surfer arose with the invention of the remote control. When a Surfer sits down to watch television, he first grabs the remote before anyone else can get to it. He turns on the TV with the remote, and it does not leave his grasp until he is finished watching. He is constantly changing the channels and will pause on a particular show only for a moment.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Shades of Madness and Insanity in Yellow Wallpaper, A Worn Path, and Mulatto :: Yellow Wallpaper essays

Varying Shades of Insanity in Yellow Wallpaper, A Worn Path, and Mulatto  Ã‚     Ã‚   The human psyche is a very complex, intricate thing. Why does one person act one way, while another acts completely differently? I have read three stories that have given me insight on this subject. They are "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, and Mulatto by Langston Hughes. In each of these stories, the main character exhibits a peculiar personality trait, but each stems from a different experience. "The Yellow Wallpaper" is a story of a married woman, Jane, who suffers from a debilitating nervous condition. This story is based on a cure for the disease, called the "rest cure." Dr. S. Weir Mitchell developed this treatment which required confining the patient to a hotel, hospital, or a residence that was isolated from much human contact, such as the one described in the story. The patient was to have complete bed rest, a drastic change in diet, and sometimes even electric shock therapy. Charlotte Perkins Gilman had experienced this treatment in her own life, so she had first-hand knowledge of what she was writing about in this story (Gilman 491). The setting of this story is a room in a house in which Jane lives for a summer with her husband John, who is a physician. The room is large, almost the size of the entire floor. She is on medication, "phosphates or phosphites-- whichever it is," for her condition, and she has been forbidden to work (Gilman 491). Unfortunately, she was also not allowed to write, which was a deprivation of the only outlet she had. Therefore, on most days, she spent her time in that room with nothing to do except look at the four walls. In the beginning of the story we can sense that maybe she is a little crazy. She describes the house as if it is a castle. Then she says that "there is something strange about the house-- I can feel it" (Gilman 492). Next, we learn of the intriguing yellow wallpaper. The wallpaper, at first, is her nemesis. She begs John to repaper the room; it scares her. "The paper looks to her as if it knew what a vicious influence it had" (Gilman 494). In her perception, the paper has eyes and exerts some sort of power over her.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Understand How Groups Develop and Function

How groups develop and function This essay examines and explains how groups develop and function. Groups are a fundamental part of our lives from social to professional, from large to small, depending on their particular environment. Theories and models on group work practice There are different theories that help us understand how group works. Tuckman’s theory Dr Bruce Tuckman published his Forming Storming Norming Performing model in 1965. He added a fifth stage, Adjourning, in the 1970s.Tuckman’s theory does work in new and small groups rather than big, as it is easier to follow, observe and evaluate individual members. The facilitator can easily identify the stages the group is at, and from here he/she can lead the group to the next stage. I would associate Tuckman’s theory more with the Co-operative style of leadership, because when the group comes together, everyone has the chance to share their ideas and responsibilities. Team members’ behaviour tow ards each other is more open and supportive and working practice more fully reflects true teamwork.Trust and motivation is built between team members. Everyone agrees on methods and plans which will lead to achieving the set goals. Team roles are been formed too. Douglas Theory Douglas McGregor is the creator of the theory X and theory Y. The two theories are opposite to each other. Theory X being the pessimistic as the employee does not like work and tries to escape it whenever possible and has little or no ambition of achieving the company goals. Employee needs a directive leader. Theory X leader is results-driven, intolerant, distant, poor listener, demands, etc.Companies with Theory X leadership will usually have poor results. Theory Y is described as the optimistic model because the employee is more relaxed and can use own initiative. He/she is committed and loyal to the company and can take on responsibilities. Theory Y gives the opportunity of more leaders to be created. On t he other side, Theory Y might be difficult to be put in practice in big mass productions where more control is needed. From the both theories we can conclude that staff will contribute more to the organisation if they are treated as responsible and valued employees.Belbin Team Role Theory â€Å"A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them. † Dr. R. M. Belbin Belbin identifies nine team roles. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths, allowable and non-allowable weaknesses that also accompany the team roles.The nine team roles are: plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, complete finisher and specialist. Belbin’s Team Role Models are very useful in forming, ma intaining and developing a group. For example we can use it to think about team balance before recruitment starts; we can use it to highlight and so manage interpersonal differences within an existing team; and we can use it to develop ourselves as a team players. Sometimes however, despite clear roles and responsibilities, a team can still fall short of its full potential.This is when Belbin’s Team Role Models come into use to develop the team’s strengths and manage its weaknesses. To maintain strong team it is important over period of time to observe individual members, and see how they behave and contribute within the team. Then for each person we write down the key strengths and observed weaknesses. Using Belbin’s descriptions of team roles, we note the one that most accurately describes the person. After we do it for each member of the team, we need to consider which team roles are we missing from the team and which strengths.Once we are clear about the out come of our research, we then consider whether an existing team member could compensate by adopting different team role, or whether new skills need to be brought onto the team to cover weaknesses. Adair Team Theory â€Å"Leadership is the most studied subject in the world and the least understood† John Adair (2003) Adair has developed so called Action-Centred Leadership model which consist of three circles Task, Team and Individual, which overlap. The three circles overlap because: 1. To be completed the task needs a team, one person cannot achieve it. . If the team needs are not met, then the task won’t be completed and the individuals won’t be satisfied. 3. If the individuals are not satisfied, then the team will suffer and the task won’t be completed again. The conclusion is that for the team to be functioning to its high standard and to be able to achieve its goals it is important all the individuals to be satisfied, rewarded and the team to be motiva ted to reach its full potentials. Forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group Group cohesion is a phenomenon that determines how well a group holds together.When cohesion is strong, a group will remain stable and effective, but when it is weak, the group may fall apart. To build strong group cohesion is important for the leader to be able to get to know the group members individually so that he/she can tailor an appreciation message to each individual as needed. The next important attribute is for the leader to be sincere with his employees. He needs to praise his employees, one way or another – that could be done in private or in public, and not just once or twice, has to be consistent and more frequent.At the beginning of the forming of the group the leader has to set clear goals to his employees and to make sure that these goals don’t change somewhere half way through to the group work as it may derail the team. Once the goals are set, it is important to communicate with the team not through email or memos, but verbally where the leader can ask for feedback from the team members, exchange ideas in how to achieve the set goals. Here is the stage when the team roles are being set and clarified. For the team to continue its effectiveness, the employees will need the support from their leader.The leader needs to be approachable and supportive so the group members don’t feel alone. Providing a connection between the group goals and the company’s goal will make the group members accountable, they will feel more appreciated and important in the bigger picture not only as group members, but as individuals too. All the above factors are in the core of forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group. A team that feels comfortable working together can have an energy that creates a positive environment and work ethic that can lift a team, making it more effective.This positive environment can make team members work harder, more efficiently and more productively. The influence of the different facilitation styles At heart facilitation is about the process of helping people to explore, learn and change. Our role, when facilitating, and as facilitators, is to help groups to work together respectfully and truthfully and to help them to explore and respond to certain issues and questions. The leader's success depends on many factors, including the kind  of person he/she is,  his/hers values of management, his/hers self-confidence and competence, his/hers trust in  the team and how he/she copes with  stress.The manager's chosen facilitation style depends on such factors. Many managers feel they are  expected to make the decisions, others feel they must get their teams involved. Some have confidence in their team; others mistrust them. Particular style of facilitation will work effectively when dealing with some people rather than others. There are three styles of facilitation: directive, co-operat ive and autonomous. Directive Style When leaders tell people what to do through a series of directives, they are using a directive style of leadership.Directive leaders are focused on outcomes and productivity. They are task-oriented and driven by the need to get things done. Directive leaders are not as concerned with the feelings and emotions of their followers as they are about meeting deadlines, hitting quota and reaching goals. There is not great deal of relationship-building found with directive facilitation style. With the directive style present the employees will not feel motivated and appreciated. Employees will feel pressured and soon will lose enthusiasm. The group will not have strong cohesion and will be less effective.If we look at the Douglas’ X and Y theory, we’ll see that the directive style would be more suitable for the X employees, but it won’t be effective for Y employees as they won’t respond. The directive style does not develop fu ture leaders. Co-operative style Here the facilitator shares responsibilities with the group: the leader guides the group to become more self-directing in the various forms of learning by conferring with them. The leader prompts and helps group members to make a decision, to give meaning to experiences, to do their own confrontation, and so on.In this process, the leader shares own view which, though influential, is not final but one among many. Outcomes are always negotiated. The leader collaborates with the members of the group in devising the learning process: facilitation is co-operative. When the leader/manager uses the co-operative style the employees will feel valued and appreciated. They will want to make suggestions because they know that they will be listened to by the manager, hence they will be very motivated to perform to a high standard. The type of groups with a co-operative style leader will have very strong cohesion and will be highly effective.Team roles will be ve ry clear within such groups which will lead to achieving the set goals. Future leaders will grow in such groups. When the goals are achieved and the group is no longer needed, there will be sadness of breaking the group. Autonomous style Here the leader/manager respects the total autonomy of the group: they do not do things for them, or with them, but give them freedom to find their own way, exercising their own judgment without any intervention on the leader’s part. This does not mean the abdication of responsibility; the leader just gives the individuals a space to determine their own learning.Unfortunately, such groups will feel that they are being left and will lack direction. The autonomous style grows future leaders, but can also suffer if group members are unqualified. Why it is important to be clear about the purpose and desired outcomes for the group? When group is formed, it is important that the leader clarifies the purpose and desired outcomes for the group. The e mployees will know what is to be expected from them. Then the group can engage openly and effectively discussing how the goals will be achieved. It is also the stage when the team roles are being created.At the end of the meeting we should have clear accomplishment. Analyse the importance of participant engagement in achieving group outcomes The most important thing is what the participants in the meeting have to say. The leader has to focus on how the meeting is structured and run to make sure that everyone can participate. The leader needs to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in participating, to allow everyone to be heard, to make sure that the members feel good about their contribution, to support everyone’s ideas and not criticising.If the leader follows the steps above the group members will feel empowered about their own ideas and participation. They will stay loyal to the company and will take on responsibilities and ownership. Conclusion From this brief overv iew we can see the significance of groups and why it is important to continuously develop them –from one side, to strengthen their potential and from the other, to help the development of their individual members.They are a fundamental part of human experience and  play a crucial role both in shaping and influencing individual lives and society itself. We saw how an effective group brings humans together and how an effective group gives birth to successful leaders. Humans always will be, as groups will be too. That makes the groups one of the most important factors of our lives. The more effective the group is, the more the quality of our lives will grow. Understand How Groups Develop and Function How groups develop and function This essay examines and explains how groups develop and function. Groups are a fundamental part of our lives from social to professional, from large to small, depending on their particular environment. Theories and models on group work practice There are different theories that help us understand how group works. Tuckman’s theory Dr Bruce Tuckman published his Forming Storming Norming Performing model in 1965. He added a fifth stage, Adjourning, in the 1970s.Tuckman’s theory does work in new and small groups rather than big, as it is easier to follow, observe and evaluate individual members. The facilitator can easily identify the stages the group is at, and from here he/she can lead the group to the next stage. I would associate Tuckman’s theory more with the Co-operative style of leadership, because when the group comes together, everyone has the chance to share their ideas and responsibilities. Team members’ behaviour tow ards each other is more open and supportive and working practice more fully reflects true teamwork.Trust and motivation is built between team members. Everyone agrees on methods and plans which will lead to achieving the set goals. Team roles are been formed too. Douglas Theory Douglas McGregor is the creator of the theory X and theory Y. The two theories are opposite to each other. Theory X being the pessimistic as the employee does not like work and tries to escape it whenever possible and has little or no ambition of achieving the company goals. Employee needs a directive leader. Theory X leader is results-driven, intolerant, distant, poor listener, demands, etc.Companies with Theory X leadership will usually have poor results. Theory Y is described as the optimistic model because the employee is more relaxed and can use own initiative. He/she is committed and loyal to the company and can take on responsibilities. Theory Y gives the opportunity of more leaders to be created. On t he other side, Theory Y might be difficult to be put in practice in big mass productions where more control is needed. From the both theories we can conclude that staff will contribute more to the organisation if they are treated as responsible and valued employees.Belbin Team Role Theory â€Å"A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members. Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them. † Dr. R. M. Belbin Belbin identifies nine team roles. Each team role is associated with typical behavioural and interpersonal strengths, allowable and non-allowable weaknesses that also accompany the team roles.The nine team roles are: plant, resource investigator, co-ordinator, shaper, monitor evaluator, team worker, implementer, complete finisher and specialist. Belbin’s Team Role Models are very useful in forming, ma intaining and developing a group. For example we can use it to think about team balance before recruitment starts; we can use it to highlight and so manage interpersonal differences within an existing team; and we can use it to develop ourselves as a team players. Sometimes however, despite clear roles and responsibilities, a team can still fall short of its full potential.This is when Belbin’s Team Role Models come into use to develop the team’s strengths and manage its weaknesses. To maintain strong team it is important over period of time to observe individual members, and see how they behave and contribute within the team. Then for each person we write down the key strengths and observed weaknesses. Using Belbin’s descriptions of team roles, we note the one that most accurately describes the person. After we do it for each member of the team, we need to consider which team roles are we missing from the team and which strengths.Once we are clear about the out come of our research, we then consider whether an existing team member could compensate by adopting different team role, or whether new skills need to be brought onto the team to cover weaknesses. Adair Team Theory â€Å"Leadership is the most studied subject in the world and the least understood† John Adair (2003) Adair has developed so called Action-Centred Leadership model which consist of three circles Task, Team and Individual, which overlap. The three circles overlap because: 1. To be completed the task needs a team, one person cannot achieve it. . If the team needs are not met, then the task won’t be completed and the individuals won’t be satisfied. 3. If the individuals are not satisfied, then the team will suffer and the task won’t be completed again. The conclusion is that for the team to be functioning to its high standard and to be able to achieve its goals it is important all the individuals to be satisfied, rewarded and the team to be motiva ted to reach its full potentials. Forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group Group cohesion is a phenomenon that determines how well a group holds together.When cohesion is strong, a group will remain stable and effective, but when it is weak, the group may fall apart. To build strong group cohesion is important for the leader to be able to get to know the group members individually so that he/she can tailor an appreciation message to each individual as needed. The next important attribute is for the leader to be sincere with his employees. He needs to praise his employees, one way or another – that could be done in private or in public, and not just once or twice, has to be consistent and more frequent.At the beginning of the forming of the group the leader has to set clear goals to his employees and to make sure that these goals don’t change somewhere half way through to the group work as it may derail the team. Once the goals are set, it is important to communicate with the team not through email or memos, but verbally where the leader can ask for feedback from the team members, exchange ideas in how to achieve the set goals. Here is the stage when the team roles are being set and clarified. For the team to continue its effectiveness, the employees will need the support from their leader.The leader needs to be approachable and supportive so the group members don’t feel alone. Providing a connection between the group goals and the company’s goal will make the group members accountable, they will feel more appreciated and important in the bigger picture not only as group members, but as individuals too. All the above factors are in the core of forming and maintaining a cohesive and effective group. A team that feels comfortable working together can have an energy that creates a positive environment and work ethic that can lift a team, making it more effective.This positive environment can make team members work harder, more efficiently and more productively. The influence of the different facilitation styles At heart facilitation is about the process of helping people to explore, learn and change. Our role, when facilitating, and as facilitators, is to help groups to work together respectfully and truthfully and to help them to explore and respond to certain issues and questions. The leader's success depends on many factors, including the kind  of person he/she is,  his/hers values of management, his/hers self-confidence and competence, his/hers trust in  the team and how he/she copes with  stress.The manager's chosen facilitation style depends on such factors. Many managers feel they are  expected to make the decisions, others feel they must get their teams involved. Some have confidence in their team; others mistrust them. Particular style of facilitation will work effectively when dealing with some people rather than others. There are three styles of facilitation: directive, co-operat ive and autonomous. Directive Style When leaders tell people what to do through a series of directives, they are using a directive style of leadership.Directive leaders are focused on outcomes and productivity. They are task-oriented and driven by the need to get things done. Directive leaders are not as concerned with the feelings and emotions of their followers as they are about meeting deadlines, hitting quota and reaching goals. There is not great deal of relationship-building found with directive facilitation style. With the directive style present the employees will not feel motivated and appreciated. Employees will feel pressured and soon will lose enthusiasm. The group will not have strong cohesion and will be less effective.If we look at the Douglas’ X and Y theory, we’ll see that the directive style would be more suitable for the X employees, but it won’t be effective for Y employees as they won’t respond. The directive style does not develop fu ture leaders. Co-operative style Here the facilitator shares responsibilities with the group: the leader guides the group to become more self-directing in the various forms of learning by conferring with them. The leader prompts and helps group members to make a decision, to give meaning to experiences, to do their own confrontation, and so on.In this process, the leader shares own view which, though influential, is not final but one among many. Outcomes are always negotiated. The leader collaborates with the members of the group in devising the learning process: facilitation is co-operative. When the leader/manager uses the co-operative style the employees will feel valued and appreciated. They will want to make suggestions because they know that they will be listened to by the manager, hence they will be very motivated to perform to a high standard. The type of groups with a co-operative style leader will have very strong cohesion and will be highly effective.Team roles will be ve ry clear within such groups which will lead to achieving the set goals. Future leaders will grow in such groups. When the goals are achieved and the group is no longer needed, there will be sadness of breaking the group. Autonomous style Here the leader/manager respects the total autonomy of the group: they do not do things for them, or with them, but give them freedom to find their own way, exercising their own judgment without any intervention on the leader’s part. This does not mean the abdication of responsibility; the leader just gives the individuals a space to determine their own learning.Unfortunately, such groups will feel that they are being left and will lack direction. The autonomous style grows future leaders, but can also suffer if group members are unqualified. Why it is important to be clear about the purpose and desired outcomes for the group? When group is formed, it is important that the leader clarifies the purpose and desired outcomes for the group. The e mployees will know what is to be expected from them. Then the group can engage openly and effectively discussing how the goals will be achieved. It is also the stage when the team roles are being created.At the end of the meeting we should have clear accomplishment. Analyse the importance of participant engagement in achieving group outcomes The most important thing is what the participants in the meeting have to say. The leader has to focus on how the meeting is structured and run to make sure that everyone can participate. The leader needs to make sure that everyone feels comfortable in participating, to allow everyone to be heard, to make sure that the members feel good about their contribution, to support everyone’s ideas and not criticising.If the leader follows the steps above the group members will feel empowered about their own ideas and participation. They will stay loyal to the company and will take on responsibilities and ownership. Conclusion From this brief overv iew we can see the significance of groups and why it is important to continuously develop them –from one side, to strengthen their potential and from the other, to help the development of their individual members.They are a fundamental part of human experience and  play a crucial role both in shaping and influencing individual lives and society itself. We saw how an effective group brings humans together and how an effective group gives birth to successful leaders. Humans always will be, as groups will be too. That makes the groups one of the most important factors of our lives. The more effective the group is, the more the quality of our lives will grow.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Questionnaires on perception of early marriage

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill out this questionnaire. This questionnaire is designed to provide information on university student perception of early marriage. The following questionnaire will require approximately 10 minutes to complete all the questions. Your honest and detailed responses will help me gain a clear picture of that perception. 1. How old are you? ) 16- 19 years ) 20 – 23 years ) 24-27 years 2. Gender: ) Male ) Female 3. Status: ) Single ) Marriage ) Divorce 4. Do you have any relative that married early?Yes ( ) No 5. Do you agree with early marriage? 6. Between male and female which gender prone to early marriage. ( ) Male ) Both 7. Which of the following that you think the main reasons that lead to early marriage? Please tick all apply. ( ) Poverty ( ) Family support ( ) To avoid social problem ( ) First Love ( ) Future security 8. Which of the following most serious social problem in Malaysia. Please rank and tick at above. Strongly Disagre e Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Baby dumping Illegimate childRape cases Wild sex Illegimate marriage 9. Does early marriage solve the sosial problem? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Maybe ( ) I do not know 10. Do you think early marriage will disturb your studies/ carrier? ( ) Yes ( ) No 1 1 . Which of the following the benefit of early marriage. Please rank and tick at above. Emotional support Financial Support More independence Having a proper partner Satisfy self sexual 12. Early marriage also give negative effect. Which is the most common: Please rank and tick at above.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Research approach

Evidence and structure are the keys to constructing a convincing and logical argument in support of the idea, insight, contention or recommendation you want to make. In today's business environment it is unlikely that you will be able to find the answer to your question in a single source. You may not find any articles that directly address your question. Therefore, you need to research†¦. And I do not mean being able to use Google Like a good lawyer, you have to bring together a number of different pieces of information.On their own each piece does not mean much but hen you add them all together and YOU explain to the reader how the pieces of Information Interconnect and what the combining of all this Information demonstrates – you are creating a convincing, logical argument. Students often only use the prescribed textbook as the evidence base for their argument. The information within these is generally sound. However, business people do not make decisions based on one source of Information and neither should you.There are a number of search techniques and sources of information that will make the process of generating information easier. If it a completely new topic for you start broad and move to the specific; start with easy to read, general business writing and move to more credible but technical academic writing. If you are a visual learner In the global digital age competition between the worlds best educational institutions is increasing.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aol Strategic Decision Making and Corporate Social Responsibility

Assume you have recently joined Genzyme, a leader in biotechnology with revenues of nearly $4 billion in 2007, as a member of Jim Geraghty’s strategic planning staff. Geraghty is a Senior Vice President at Genzyme. You have been evaluating several projects as a member of the Humanitarian Assistance for Neglected Diseases (HAND) program and must provide Henri Termeer, Genzyme CEO, with some clear recommendations about which project(s) to undertake.Using the information provided in the Harvard Business School case â€Å"Genzyme’s CSR Dilemma: How to Play its HAND† and Exhibit 1: Comparative Analysis of Alternatives, (attached) your task is to provide a written report that: 1. Identifies and explains the dilemma Genzyme is facing. 2. Evaluates the various project proposals being considered. 3. Recommends specific alternatives to Termeer and the Board, justifying your recommendations. 4.Satisfies an extremely demanding Board of Directors, which expects to see that yo u use appropriate analytical and decision-making tools learned in the course of your MBA program when conducting your analysis and reaching your conclusions essay writer promo code. Your report should adhere to the following guidelines: ?The length of the paper must not exceed 4 pages (5 pages if you choose to include two or more charts or graphics) ? Formatting must be space-and-a-half, 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1† margins. ?Properly cite the Genzyme case whenever appropriate custom paper writing service.Make sure that any quotations are clearly denoted. ?Do not use supplemental information about the company or the external environment that has not been included in the case and attached materials. The same written responses will be used by different readers/evaluators for assessing the Strategic Decision Making goal in the EMBA program. Goal 1: Strategic Decision Making –Graduates make ethical strategic business decisions that utilize appropriate quantitative and/or qualitative analyses, information, and data to further the attainment of the firm’s goals and competitive strategies ? Â